14 August 2011

Sunday 14/08

We woke to found ourselves surrounded by mist and mountains.  It was 9am and we had to depart the site by 10.    We did the very essentials, which for some meant a full shower despite the activities planned for immediately afterwards.  Parking by the springs building entrance we very clumsily made some bacon sandwiches and tea. 

The springs had been refitted recently - there were many different pools - each with friendly Kiwis and a fair few Brits.  The pools ranged in temperature, with a strong positive correlation between warmth and sulphurous stench.  We did some lengths and tried to go on the flumes but we didn't have the requisite passes.  Everything was an extra, it seems.

It then stared hailing - slowly at first, but soon substantially.  Thing was very cold by very fun.  The fog soon hid all but the nearest mountains and the automatic lights switched on - at 1pm.

I was highly amused by the locals' bad tattoos.  The hot water made me feel a bit odd after a while.  Soon the hail turned to snow, apparently a cue for people to start having hail fights.  The hail caused lovely wave interference patterns.

We got changed and found D&L talking to the I-site ladies.  We drove to Greymouth, with some amazing views on the way.  The mountains were now covered by the snow that had been long threatening to appear.  I drove the final half of the journey there, over some very rickety bridges and finally a large bridge into the town itself.  We drank coffee in McDonalds and used their wifi.  Dad managed to transfer some money online using only six devices.  We reconnoitered (Dad is the only person who uses this word but drops the 'T') the freedom camping site and stopped at the only place still open (at 9pm on a Sunday) - the fish and chip shop cum general store.  So no chance of a beer.  We ate in the van still parked outside the shop and headed back to the site.  After a while, a Nazi from the next motorhome came and told us we were breaking the law by using gas so close to her van so we had to shift promptly.

Tensions amongst the campervan elders increased with regard to the domestic realities - lights at the wrong height, bed too cold, various van systems not working too well.  We were asleep by 11:30 with an early start planned.  An itinerary was still lacking but required- the train trip we had half planned appeared to be a no-go so a rethink was in order.

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